History of the modern solar system
What is solar energy?
There is an epic history of the modern solar system. Our solar system contains a bunch of planets like stars, the Sun, and everything connected to it by the planets, such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. And there are a bunch of millions of asteroids, comets, and Meteoroids. Out of our own solar system, we have already discovered thousands of solar planet systems with orbiting and other stars in the Milky Way. It is noted that solar energy is the primary energy source in the world, and it is the renewable energy source in the world.
We know that the sun is a monster star like all other stars. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. Every day, the sun transmits (transmits) a lot of energy. It emits more energy than the world uses in one year. The energy of the sun comes from within the sun. Like most stars, the Sun is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium atoms in the plasma state.
What is the history of the solar system?
Many believe that our solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago from dense clouds of interstellar gas and dust. The cloud broke, probably due to the shockwave of a nearby explosive star, called a supernova. When this dust cloud called the supernova collapsed, it formed a rotating disk-like a rotating substance in the solar nebula.
The gravity at the center pulled more material into the core so that the pressure on the core was so high that the hydrogen atoms began to combine to form helium, and released a lot of energy. With that, our present-day monster Sun was born. Originally the sun produced energy from a process called nuclear fusion. During nuclear synthesis, high pressures and temperatures in the Sun’s core region separate the nucleus from its electrons.
The hydrogen nucleus fuse forms a helium atom. During the fusion process, the energy of illumination is released from the sun. It can take 150,000 years for energy to reach the core of the sun to travel to the bottom of the solar system, and then that heat has to travel 93 million miles to reach the earth, which can take more than eight minutes. The energy of illumination travels around the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light. A small part of the sun energy is radiated by the sun and comes to the earth’s space like one part in two billion.
Yet this amount of energy has many beneficial effects on the earth’s organisms and plants. The sun provides more energy in one hour than the amount of energy America can use in a year. About 30 percent of the sun’s luminous energy reaches the earth and the remaining 80% is reflected back into space. For example, about half of the sun’s luminous energy is absorbed by land and oceans. The rest is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds under the influence of the greenhouse. In addition to providing direct energy, the sun is also a major source of energy.
Solar energy allows us to harness the power of the earth’s running water. on the other hand, we can convert sunlight into electricity by using solar panels. A solar cell or photo voltaic cell is the most innovative invention in the world. Solar energy is a renewable energy source and the whole planet directly depends on it. In this case, find the best photovoltaic panels to generate more electricity by efficient conversion. In some cases, a question comes to mind on how to install solar panels. Solar panel installation is easy you just need some materials (solar panels, stand, battery, inverter, wire, connector, DC/AC MCB), and find the location where sunlight is available.
How does Sun convert energy?
Solar energy drives the structure of the wind and allows wind turbines to be used to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. Biomass can trace its source of energy to the sun. Even fossil fuels took their energy from the sun. Undoubtedly, the sun and solar energies are an essential part of the earth and all living things on earth. However, Solar energy has advantages and disadvantages but the advantages are plenty. Below is a discussion of how energy is generated in the midst of this giant sun and what its condition is.
What is happening in the Sun?
All creation on earth is destroyed. According to that rule, one day our sun will also die. What if all the hydrogen in the sun runs out and the sun turns into a red giant engulfs our earth? Astronomers have observed a dying old star using the world’s most powerful radio telescope. That star is 207 light-years away from the earth. Its name is L2 Papis. Scientists say that observing that star will give an idea of what the Earth will be like if the Sun grows old in billions of years. We told before there is the greatest history of the modern solar system we should know that.
Researchers say the 10 billion-year-old (one billion equivalent to 100 million) of the L2 Papis star. Five billion years ago this star was just like today’s sun. Desin Lynn is a professor at the KU Leuven Institute of Astronomy in Belgium he said five billion years from now, our sun will be transformed into a red giant star. At this time the size of the sun will increase a hundred times more than the current.
Professor Desin said strong stellar storms would reduce the Sun’s intense mass. Seven billion years after the end of its evolutionary process, it will transform into a tiny white dwarf star. At this time it will be as small as the earth. But it will be heavier. One teaspoon of this white dwarf star will weigh about five tons. This transformation will have a dramatic effect on the planets of the solar system. Planets like Jupiter and Venus will be lost and destroyed among the giant stars.

Desin said that we already know that the sun will get bigger and brighter. So it will destroy the world. Desin said it remains to be seen whether the rocky interior of the earth will survive in that red monster state of the sun and orbit the white dwarf. To find the answer to this question, astronomers began observing L2 Papis. Only 206 light-years from Earth, this star is very close to the cosmos. Researchers have observed an object within 300 million kilometers of L2 Papis, which is orbiting the star. Half of the earth’s distance from the sun. Researchers think that by observing the star, it will be possible to know the condition of the earth after five billion years.
Who has entered the solar system for the first time?
According to new data from 2021, NASA spacecraft has entered the solar system for the first time. The data came from a study released last Tuesday in December at a conference of the American Geophysical Union in New Orleans, USA. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe spacecraft touched the sun for the first time in the history of human civilization. Parker entered the Sun’s atmosphere in April of this year. Scientists confirmed this by analyzing the data a few days ago. Their research was published in a journal called Physical Review Letters on 14/12/2021.
The spacecraft is named after Eugene Parker, the chief scientist of the mission. Although it is the closest star to Earth, information about the Sun is very limited. Parker was launched in 2016 for this purpose. Since then, the spacecraft has been orbiting the sun at a speed of 500,000 kilometers per hour. Even in the face of intense temperatures and radiation, Parker began to penetrate deep into the sun’s atmosphere.
The outer region of the Sun’s atmosphere is known as the corona. This corona region is much hotter than the surface of the sun. NASA’s Parker spacecraft is engaged in the search. The spacecraft was sent from the Corona region to collect samples of various particles and information about the magnetic field of the star. Parker is also collecting information about the effects of the sun on the solar system, solar storms, and solar energy particles. But it is a great achievement in the modern world.