Solar energy is the best home-based energy solution. Wind power is best for sea areas, hilly areas, and regions with high airflow. However, we know that there are a few energy sources that are considered world sustainable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, hydrogen, and nuclear energy. But what is the best renewable energy source and why? Which clean energy source is extremely efficient?
Indeed, there is no specific best sustainable energy source in the world. All renewable sources have a specific specialty and demerits as well. The best energy source depends on a few factors such as location, energy cost, energy efficiency, environmental impact, etc. By observing these things solar energy, wind, and hydropower are the most efficient forms of renewable energy. Can you show some examples of renewable sources of energy?
Hydropower, cosmic power, and wind power are the most efficient renewable energy sources in the world. For meeting home-based electrical load demand the most successful renewable resource in use today is solar energy. The solar panel can be placed on the rooftop to meet small medium and big-range electrical load demands.
On the other hand, Wind energy cannot be used for home-based operations. It is used in hilly areas where airflow is available. So, solar energy is the most efficient renewable energy source to meet domestic and industrial load demand.
What Is the Best Renewable Energy Source and Why?
People are moving toward renewable sources instead of natural energy sources. Because natural energy sources can sustain a specific period of time that is very near. After that, we have to use renewable energy to meet our daily load demand. Many countries have already started using sustainable energy. In that case, solar, wind, geothermal, and other sustainable energy sources can be alternative energy sources in the future.
So, which one can be the ideal energy source? An ideal energy source should be eligible to provide a sufficient amount of energy. A low cost to generate electricity, available in nature, efficiency is higher, etc. If any energy source can meet such eligibility, then we can say it is an ideal energy source. However, Let’s go into deep and discuss which of the following is the best source of renewable energy and why.
1. Solar Energy
Is sunlight a renewable source? Of course, it is. Solar energy is a most powerful natural source of energy. All the creatures and plants depend on the sunlight. The sun generates a large amount of heat. The core energy is around 15 Million Degree Celsius and its surface temperature is around 5500 Degrees Celsius. Its release is about 3.8 x 10²⁶ watts luminosity every second.

Now think how the biggest energy source it is. If we can use this cosmic energy to generate electricity, then it may be a milestone and one of the mega alternative energy sources in the world. The cosmic energy will never be decayed before destroys this entire earth. So, by overall research and thesis, we can say solar energy is the biggest and the best clean energy source around the world.
Can we convert solar energy into electricity? Yes, of course we can. How is solar energy transferred into electricity? ‘’Photovoltaic panel’’ or ‘’solar panel’’ that is made of photovoltaic cells. Whenever direct sunlight falls on the photovoltaic panels then electrons are released from the atom and generate direct current (DC). DC current is converted into AC using an inverter to meet AC load demand. This simple solar energy conversion process has made it popular to use.
Nowadays solar panel is massively useable efficient electronic device. Most countries China, the USA, Australia, Germany, India, Bangladesh, UAE, and other countries have been using solar panels to meet their electrical demand. Photovoltaic panels can be installed in three main locations Ground mounted, floating, and rooftop. It is noted that whereas direct sunlight is available, the solar panel is used there. So, in my opinion, due to the above reasons, PV panel is the best source of renewable energy.
2. Wind Energy
What is wind or air? Air or wind is an odorless, tasteless, colorless atmospheric pressure that moves from a high-pressure area to a low-pressure area. Wind is a clean energy source around the world. There are different types of green energy sources wind is one of them. Nowadays wind energy has been used to generate electricity to meet electrical demand. This is because people are trying to reduce dependencies on other natural sources.

However, wind power plants may be another milestone for generating sustainable energy. Many countries have been generating electricity by converting wind energy into electricity. In that case, China has the mega infrastructure for converting wind into electricity. China has 20GW biggest wind power station which name is Gansu Wind Farm. This largest Wind power plant is located near the Gobi Desert. Wind is the most efficient alternative energy source that people getting benefits from now.
However, the wind energy transport system is different. Let’s explain of wind energy transportation system. Many still tower is placed at any specific distance depending on power generation capacity. However, each tower’s height is around 60 to 120 meters. Whenever wind hits the turbine blade then it starts to rotate and the generator is connected to this turbine and the generator also starts rotating with a wind turbine. In that case, EMF is induced into the generator armature which is called electricity.
It is noted that all the turbine output connections are brought through an underground cable connection. This connection goes to a transformer substation where power is stepped up and distributed to the various stations. So, the wind-generated electricity is transported by underground cable to connect the nearest electrical substation. It’s so, it may be the best renewable energy source for the future. So, look forward and use renewable energy
3. Hydropower
Another meaning of a hydropower plant is a water power plant. A dam is created between two hills and natural water flow is interrupted and water is reserved in a reservoir. Reservoir water directly hits the turbine and the turbine converts water kinetic energy into mechanical energy and mechanical energy is converted into electricity by an induction generator.

That is called a hydroelectric power station. In most cases, this type of power station is located near the hilly areas. This is because the dam was created to make reserve water. However, this energy is more efficient and it is one of the powerful alternative energy sources. So, is water a renewable source of energy? Of course, water is the best sources of energy for the future and all time also.
It is the most cost-efficient sustainable energy source as well. Its construction cost is much higher due to dam building and requires a master plan, and high skill as well. In that case, before building a dam most country governments hire some hydropower companies to consult and want to see their skill or about their previous tasks.
However, is the hydropower plant for sale? No, in most cases, it is a government property and costly. Therefore, the hydroelectric power plant is built to generate bulk electricity that can contribute to meeting a country’s load demand. Indeed, hydropower is the most efficient green energy source. For this reason, according to my opinion, I will keep this energy in the number 3 position of all the alternative energy sources. However, take a look at a pic of hydropower. This image shows how hydro power work or used to generate electricity.
4. Geothermal Energy
Have you ever thought renewable energy is hidden in the earth’s crust? Geothermal energy. Thermal energy is collected from kilometers deeper from the earth’s surface by steel pipe from the earth’s crust which is called geothermal energy. Indeed, there are different sources of geothermal energy such as
- Hydrothermal Reservoirs
- Hot Dry Rock (HDR)
- Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)
- Geopressured Geothermal Resources
- Magma or Supercritical Geothermal Resources
- Shallow Geothermal (Ground Source Heat Pumps)
It is noted that Hydrothermal reservoir is commonly used for generating electricity and for direct heating applications. It is a high-temperature reservoir and the best one for generating electricity. In most cases, it is used for heating homes, offices, and greenhouses.

However, I have heard a question several times, is geothermal energy renewable? Yes of course it is a sustainable energy source. Geothermal is one of the most efficient clean energy sources in the world. Is geothermal better than solar energy? Look, all the energy system has their own features but the electricity generation process is almost similar.
If I compare solar and geothermal energy, then it is easy to generate electricity. Indeed, geothermal energy is found near tectonic plate boundaries and it is far deeper from the earth’s surface. This tectonic plate is not available in every place. That’s why all the countries cannot generate electricity from geothermal energy sources. In that solar panels are far better than geothermal ones.
The sky covers the whole earth and the sun is lighting the whole world. Where direct sunlight is available, you can install solar panels there. However, there are different areas in the USA where geothermal power plants are available like geothermal energy in New Jersey, Nevada, Hawaii, geothermal energy in Florida, California, etc. The world’s third-largest geothermal power plant is in the USA.
5. Ocean Energy
Ocean energy is a mega energy source in the world. The sea or ocean is considered an energy box from where wave energy, tidal energy, and thermal energy can be obtained. Ocean energy is an extensive renewable source of energy that will never be depleted before the earth’s destruction. However, ocean energy comes from water movement like waves, tides, etc.

If we generate electricity using waves that converts the kinetic energy of water into electricity which is called wave energy. On the other hand, renewable power is generated by capturing the natural rise and fall of ocean tides. These ocean tides hit the turbine and the turbine converts wave energy into electricity.
Does wave energy generate DC energy? No, wave energy or tidal energy generates AC energy with the help of an induction generator. Indeed, wave energy generation systems and tidal energy generation systems are almost similar both use the kinetic energy of the ocean into electricity. This energy generation system is called the green ocean energy system.
However, the ocean is considered one of the best renewable energy source for the environment where there is no smoke and fumes. Electricity is generated very smoothly under the sea water level. Its energy generation cost is lower than hydroelectric power systems. How much is the new wave energy rate per kilowatt hour? Energy generation cost is a bit higher due to low efficiency.
It is almost similar to the solar power plant. The new wave energy rate is around $0.15 per KWh to $30 per KWh. This is a pretty high energy generation cost. Hopefully, this amount will be reduced by technological advancement and increasing efficiencies.
6. Biomass Energy
In short, we get energy by burning biomass materials which is called Biomass energy. Indeed, ‘’Bio’’ is a life, and ‘’Mas’’ is referred to materials. It means, all the organic material that is created from animals and plants is known as biomass. This energy is generated from some organic materials. So, which of these is an example of biomass energy, animal waste, destroyed plants, wood, plastic, and garbage? Biomass is another renewable source of energy in the world. This energy is available and easily found.

Biomass plants are stored and create chemical energy. Other plants like wood is burned and the chemical energy of the wood is converted into heat energy. How to convert biomass energy into electricity? In that case, there are different types of energy conversion methods but direct combustion and fermentation are most popular.
What is the direct combustion system? The direct combustion system is to burn biomass and produces hot gases. That feeds into the boiler to produce steam to run the team turbine. Turbine convert this steam energy into mechanical energy and generates electricity with the help of an induction generator. However, biomass is a potential sustainable energy source.
How much is biomass per unit of electricity generation cost? The electricity generation cost is much lower than some other clean energy sources. Although per unit cost depends on a few factors per unit generation cost is around $0.06 to $0.12 per kWh. This per unit generation cost is much lower than ocean, geothermal, and solar energy as well.
Biomass chemical energy of the plants can be used as the fuel in motor vehicles. It may be the best renewable fuel source in the future. So, we need technological advancement to make them efficient and used instead of other commercial natural energy sources.
7. Pavegen Tiles
The Pavegen system is a modern and newly invented electricity generation technology. It was invented in 2009 by the UK company Pavegen. Pavegen floor tiles are named by the Pavegen company. From that, this tile’s name becomes Pavegen tiles. It is actually a floor tile. These tiles are placed on any crowded pavement so that a lot of people can walk on it.

These floor tiles convert people’s foot pressure kinetic energy into AC electricity. Pavegen floor tiles have two main components: composite tiles and an electromagnetic generator or induction generator. The Pavegen floor tiles that generate electricity involve copper conductors and magnets where energy is generated by the electromagnetic induction process.
This tile can generate sufficient energy with each pedestrian and a street lamp can glow for 30 seconds with a single pedestrian on this tile. So, combining floor tiles can generate more electrical energy with people’s footsteps. However, electricity-generating floor tiles technology is considered the new sustainable energy solution in the world.
So, it can be the leading and dominant technology between different types of green energy sources. What is the cost of Pavegen tiles? It depends on location and tile size, but its cost ranges from an average of $70 to $120 per square foot. However, it can be used in any shopping mall, or parking area where there are many crowds, pavement, and other crowd areas.
Can it be the best renewable energy source for homes? May be yes. Home rooftop solar panels depend on direct sunlight whereas floor tile energy generation depends on people’s movement on these tiles. If your home has any place where many people go on this. In that case, you may use it at that location. So, according to my opinion, I can compare it with solar panels.
Which of The Following Is More Energy Efficient?
The most efficient renewable energy resource is hydropower, which is more than 90% efficient. Wind power efficiency is around 50%, and compared to other conventional natural energy sources, a windmill can be easily installed and run at a low cost. Solar power plant efficiency is around 20 to 25%, which is not bad. Biomass has also very high efficiency, although its efficiency depends on several factors.
Is Renewable Energy More Efficient Than Non-Renewable Energy?
So, which is more efficient, renewable energy or nonrenewable energy? Which renewable energy source has the highest efficiency? Renewable energy is more efficient than nonrenewable energy. Hydropower is more than 90% efficient. Hydropower is the most efficient clean energy.
Whereas the average combined cycle power plant efficiency is 50 to 60% and coal power station efficiency is 30 to 42%. It is noted that due to heavy heat losses the thermal power plant efficiency becomes low. So, now decide which power energy system you should use.
Which Is the Most Used Renewable Energy Source in The World?
Hydroelectric power is the most used sustainable energy. According to a global report, around 20% of electricity is generated from hydropower globally. In the United States, around 10% of their total electricity is generated from hydropower. Therefore, wind power and solar power are growing more and they have been contributing more to meet the electrical load demand.
What is the best renewable energy source for your home? In that case, I will keep up with solar energy. Yes, solar energy is used more to meet home-based electrical load demand. In that case, people have been installing solar panels in different places in their homes and it has been generating commercially and adding power to the national grid.
Which Is the Most Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Source?
Many people ask the question, are renewable energy sources cost-effective? Yes, alternative energy is more cost-effective. But which is the most cost-effective? It depends on how much energy you are generating. It means if you want to generate bulk electricity, in that case, hydropower is more cost-effective.
Its primary cost is higher but to obtain long-term uninterruptible power hydro energy is the best. It can last more than 50 years if well-maintained. Solar power can last 25 to 30 years, after that, you must think about the solar panel disposal system. PV power plant’s primary cost is higher due to the PV panel, inverter, and battery, and it occupies more place for generating bulk power.
However, for generating low power (1KW, 5KW, 10KW) solar power is the best. Wind power is also cost-effective. Wind power turbines can last 25 to 30 years. After that think about replacing them and using the new one. By overall consideration, hydro energy is more cost-effective than other sustainable and non-sustainable energy sources.
Which Renewable Energy Sources Are Most Reliable?
Hydro energy is the best reliable source because it can generate power in any situation. Wave energy, wind energy, and solar energy are also reliable. However, in most cases, a question comes to mind what renewable energy source is the best? Of course hydro energy.
This is because its efficiency is over 90%, longer life span, requires a small place compared to bulk energy generated solar thermal power stations, and is cost-effective as well. So, what energy source is best for the environment? Hydropower, solar power, wind, biomass, and other sustainable energy sources are environmentally friendly. These are too much better than other non-renewable commercial energy sources.
Most Efficient Renewable Energy for Home
Which is the best capable alternative source of renewable energy for the home? Solar energy. Yes, solar energy is the best renewable energy source for homes. PV panels can be installed at any place in your home. It may be a newly built rooftop or tile roof, or if you want you can make a canopy using solar panels.
So, whatever load you have and how much watt demand you have use solar panels, meet the demand, and say bye to your commercial electricity and monthly bill. What Is the Ultimate Energy Source for Most Wind? Sun is the ultimate energy source of wind energy. The entire planet and animals are depending on cosmic rays.
Which Is the World’s Largest Renewable Energy Source?
Nowadays solar energy is the world’s largest sustainable energy source. According to the 2023 and 2024 global reports, solar power has more than 1419 gigawatt (GW) generation capacity. This generation capacity is increasing geometrically. This is because there are thousands of PV panel solar power stations under construction in different countries.
The second largest sustainable energy source is hydropower which has a global installed capacity of around 14,16 GW. Hydropower is also growing but solar energy is growing very fast due to its privileges. What privileges have made solar energy systems faster to grow? PV panel is a simple and easy-to-install system, location where sunlight is available, durability (more than 25 years), efficiency, etc.
The third one is wind power. Wind power has more than 1,047GW installation capacity, and this amount is increasing rapidly. These advancements prove that people have become conscious of eco-friendly energy solutions and reducing dependencies on other natural, certain reserves, and commercial energy solutions (coal, gas, oil/diesel, etc.).
The use of clean energy system use is a massive achievement and milestone for the global people. We are losing our natural energy reserve. So, we should find a new energy that is sustainable and increase dependency on that.
Final Thought
Sustainable energy is a long-lasting energy that can be replenished. People reducing their dependency on nonrenewable energy sources due to the high cost of fuel, per unit cost, environmental harmful impact, etc. In that case, clean energy sources are the best. However, I have referred to some of the best reliable energy sources. Hopefully, these clean energy sources will lead the future and successfully meet the future load demand. So, we should be forward to renewable energy sources.
Is Nuclear Considered a Clean Energy Source?
Is nuclear energy renewable? There is a lot of debate about it. In some cases, it is considered renewable energy due to its almost zero carbon emission and environmental friendliness. Remember, depending on the plant capacity, more than thousands of KGs of nuclear fuels are released every year. It is difficult and risky to dispose of these high amounts of nuclear fuel.
So, it requires fuel continuously. We know that renewable energy should be replenished like solar, hydro, wind, geothermal, etc. However, in a nuclear power station fission reaction happens to generate electricity. If a sufficient amount of nuclear fuel is given, then its reaction becomes
How Efficient Is Solar Energy Compared to Others?
Cosmic energy is one of the most efficient sustainable energy sources in the world. Nowadays people have been using this energy most efficiently. The solar panel is used to generate electricity from cosmic energy. It is a widely used energy generation system globally. However, solar panel system efficiency is around 20 to 25% and it can last 25 to 30 years PV panels can harness cosmic energy by themselves.
So, if you can install it once then it will give you the energy for at least 25 years. In that case, you should manage some simple PV system maintenance tasks like PV cleaning, distilled water changing, PV panel short circuit checking, PV system output power checking using a multimeter (if required), etc.
What Is the Least-Efficient Renewable Energy Source?
Solar thermal power plant has the least efficiency. This is because heat is created from the sunlight and steam is created using heat. In that case, huge energy is lost. So, what do geothermal and solar energy have in common? Yes, both are green energy sources and produce almost zero carbon and no greenhouse gases are available.
Geothermal power station steam is used to rotate the turbine to obtain electricity from the generator output. In the solar thermal power station, steam is created from cosmic heat and used to rotate the turbine to generate electricity. In this case, they have similarities.
How Efficient Is Renewable Energy?
Sustainable energy sources are more efficient than other commercial energy sources. Sustainable energy sources can replenish themselves which can reduce long-term electricity generation costs. Hydropower is more than 90% efficient, wind power is more than 60% efficient. No other nonrenewable energy sources are efficient. So, of course, clean energy sources are more efficient than other nonrenewable energy sources. But how efficient is non-renewable energy?
Coal is a great source of nonrenewable energy sources and many countries have been using this fuel to produce electricity. However, a coal power plant’s average efficiency is around 35 to 45% or sometimes goes up to 60% (in a rare case). Huge heat losses occur in the coal power plants and massive smoke and fumes are also created.
What Is the Best Source of Energy for The Environment?
Coal power plants create huge smoke and fumes, gas power plant also creates smoke that pollutes the environment and coal-fired power station is a threat to global plants and animals. So, what energy source is best for the environment? All the clean energy sources are environment-friendly. Solar, wind, geothermal, energy conversion tiles, biomass, hydrogen energy, and ocean energy do not release CO2. They have zero carbon emissions and CFC gas as well.
Which Energy Source Is Correctly Paired with Its Environmental Impact?
Solar energy is appropriately and significantly paired with environmental impact. Solar energy never releases carbon dioxide but some plants produce oxygen by sunlight. Nowadays solar panels have been used to catch the sunlight to produce electricity which is considered the clean energy conversion system.
Can Wind Energy Be Used for Transportation?
Yes, of course, wind energy can be transported. A power station (substation) is created near the wind power plant. Generated electricity can be step up and step down in the substation using step up or step down transformer. A charging station may be near the substation from where electric vehicles are charged up.
How far can wind energy be transported? The generated electricity can be transferred over a long distance through a transmission line. In that case, electricity is sent to the nearer substation through an underground cable. The voltage level is set up to a required limit and sent to the high-voltage transmission line or national grid.